Anti-Bullying Week in Reception & P1
We started the week off by having an in-class assembly on what bullying is & why it happens. We discussed how sometimes people bully each other for being different (hair colours, eye colours, beliefs or hobbies) and then discussed how in God’s eyes we are all the same and we must always strive to be kind to all.
Following this, we looked at different scenarios where people were carrying out either kind or unkind acts before discussing & sorting them. We also practiced our sounds within K.I.N.D before creating a poster for anti-bulling week.
This week, we also looked at letter formation as well as addition using different representations. Our week ended with a beautiful Friendship Tree which we created, adding images, our posters as well as our odd-socks activity to the wall – which stands proudly in our playroom.
Our friendship wall will now remind us daily to be spread kindness & love everywhere we go.
Killowen Primary School, 88 Killowen Old Road Rostrevor BT34 3AE | Phone 028 417 38426