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Killowen Primary School, Rostrevor

Forest School in Rostrevor Community

13th Dec 2024

Recently Killowen PS hosted a community forest school, play-based learning experience for all the local under 5 year olds in the  Cloughmore Centre in Rostrevor. This Saturday morning event was very well attended, not only by children at our school but by children from other schools and those yet to begin their formal school journey. The whole morning was organised by our wonderful PTA group and hosted by our Reception/P1 teacher Miss Larkin. There was such wonderful learning that went on that we wanted to show you some of the pictures from that day. In Killowen PS we are wedded to Play-Based Learning. We know its advantages and we utilise it to its fullest. We hope to organise another community day in 2025 when the forest will yield further learning opportunities as the seasons change.