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Killowen Primary School, Rostrevor

Killowen PS Green Flag Award Success!

14th Jun 2021

I am delighted to announce that Killowen PS Rostrevor has been awarded The Eco Schools Green Flag Award for 2021!

Our school focused on 3 main areas this year:  Outdoor Learning, Biodiversity and Recycling.  P4/5 lead the way in writing a new Eco Code for our school.  Individual classes completed lessons on a variety of Eco Topics such as Spring Time, Birds, Rainforests and Rivers. The whole school participated in Earth Day Celebrations and Nature inspired Workshops with Liz Farnan, Environmental Educator.  Parents got involved during Remote Learning with parents and children completing  Colour Walks, Nature Walks, making bird feeders and bug hotels, cooking healthy home cooked meals and completing Mindfulness and Wellbeing activities.  Special thanks must be given to Michael Campbell our wonderful gardener who worked tirelessly to help us beautify and attract more biodiversity to our school with a new Wildflower Area, fruit trees, rose bushes, bug hotel, hedgehog retreat, small pond and our amazing Chloe's Garden sanctuary area.

Looking forward to the delivery of the flag and flying it high in Killowen PS!


Mrs Cruz