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Killowen Primary School, Rostrevor

P4/5 are out of the classroom and into the kitchen!

18th May 2020

This learning from home thing hasn't been all bad, if these pictures are anything to go by! 

Our wonderful P4/5s and their patient, and understanding parents have been baking and cooking up a storm! What I hope they realise is that reading and processing instructional writing aka recipes, organising and measuring their ingredients, mixing, blending, kneading, piping, brushing and shaping requires such a wondrous collection of skills that in one baking session they have covered literacy, numeracy, science, elements of art (sculpting and decorating counts folks) PDMU (planning and managing their resources) and well-being (there is nothing quite as mindful as trying to get buttercream smooth or into some kind of pattern). 

-Plus you've something delightful to enjoy, share or gift to another person at the end of it. 

You should all be very proud of this wonderful work, parents, I mean you too!

Congratulations on these beautiful creations and on applying all of your skills and knowledge.

Mrs McKeown