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Killowen Primary School, Rostrevor

Runners up for the Seamus Heaney Award

7th Nov 2020

Not many writers can claim to have been published before they left primary school... but our former P4/5 class, now P5/6, had their phenomenal creative writing recognised by the prestigious judges of the Poetry in Motion award this year and have done just that! 

Their fabulous writing and artwork was published in the limited edition anthology "Seen and Heard" and their efforts earned them a commendation and recognition as runners up for this year's Seamus Heaney award.

The children had an absolute blast working with the supremely talented local poet, Marion Clarke, to explore different ways of drawing inspiration and exploring language. As you can see, their interests were fired and imagination invoked to produce some spellbinding verse.

I am so very proud of what they achieved, and I hope you are too. ♥ 

Mrs McKeown