Access Keys:

Killowen Primary School, Rostrevor


Meet the staff of Killowen Primary School!


Reception/ Primary One Teacher: Miss Rachel Larkin
(ICT Co-ordinator, Early Years Co-ordinator) 

Primary Two/Three: Mrs Lesley Evans
(SENCO, Designated Teacher for Child Protection/Safeguarding, Music, Religious Co-Ord)

Primary Four/Five: Mrs Attracta Cunningham
(Numeracy Coordinator, Assessment Coordinator, Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection/Safeguarding)

Primary Six/Seven: Mr Mark Murtagh

(Principal/Safeguarding Team/Literacy Co-ordinator)

Reception/ Primary One: Mrs Margaret McCourt/Miss Lorna McElroy

Primary Two/ Three: Miss Kayleigh Morgan

Primary Four/Five:  Mrs Andrea McNally

Primary Six/Seven: Miss Sarah Patterson

Other Staff Members:

Senior Clerical Officer: Mrs Sonya Newell

Cleaning Staff : Mrs Marie Sloan 

Groundsman: Mr Michael Campbell